Member Blogs

  • What does it mean to “rebalance” your portfolio? Is it important to do? How do you do it? Let’s take a look at this important topic, as rebalancing can help you manage risk, enforce discipline, and optimize your investment returns.
  • As the cost of higher education continues to rise, saving for college has become a top concern for many families. With escalating tuition fees, its essential to have a solid financial plan in place to ensure that your childs educational aspirations can be realized without being burdened with excessive student loan debt. One powerful tool [] The post Maximizing College Savings: A Financial Advisors Guide to 529 Plans appeared first on Favored FP .
  • I have such wonderful clients. Many of them send me items of interest. Recently, my client JC, a former J.P. Morgan employee, sent me a gold mine: the J.P. Morgan Guide to Retirement 2024. It is 53 pages chock full of interesting data. You can see the whole thing HERE. But the page that really []
  • The world of wealth management is filled with stories of inherited wealth ruining people. Theres something infantilizing about not having to figure out how to earn a living. Earning a living is a hard nut to crack: what can you do that people will pay money for? Money sufficient to get an apartment, food, and [] The post How Much Should You Help Your Adult Children appeared first on ProsperiTea Planning - Greenfield, MA .
  • Financial literacy gives you control over your finances to make knowledgeable choices to achieve your life goals. When you feel empowered to manage your finances you are better able to navigate financial challenges and opportunities.